Motivation is a key factor for well-being and reaching one’s full potential. Both when it concerns individuals and teams. However, sometimes motivation can wane, especially if we lack a clear purpose or goal in what we do.
Motivation is often divided into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes from within ourselves, from our commitments, values, and goals. Extrinsic motivation often comes from external sources and can involve rewards, avoidance of punishment, or expectations placed on us. Intrinsic motivation is usually stronger and more sustainable than extrinsic motivation, as it provides us with a sense of meaning.
To regain your motivation, you can ask yourself these questions:
-What makes me feel unmotivated?
-What do I need to feel more motivated?
-What are my strengths, and how can I use them more?
-What does my desired goalvision look like? Is the vision clear enough? What steps can I take towards it? Everything starts with a first step.
Three needs that affect motivation
Researchers, professors and psychologists Edward Deci and Richard Ryan have identified three fundamental needs that influence our intrinsic motivation: autonomy, competence, and relatedness.
–Autonomy stands for feeling free and self-determined in our lives.
–Competence involves believing in our own abilities and having a sense of competence in what we do.
–Relatedness is about having good relationships with others and feeling accepted and valued. In a team, togetherness can be promoted by having the same values and striving towards a common goal.
Do you find any clues to your or your teams lack of motivation in any of them? How is the balance between the needs? By getting hold of what is the cause of low motivation regarding ourselves or our team, we can better focus on the changes needed for increased motivation!
Nina Wendelin certified coach and entrepreneur at Coachmore