Find the key to your potential

Work with me

We all have goals we want to achieve, challenges we struggle with, ideas that need to be mapped out. It can be about finding strengths, balance, courage, security, motivation or maybe inspiration.

Coaching is a partnership between you who are being coached and your coach. The coach is there for you, who want change, new thinking and development. Together we find your potential and work towards your goal, with the help of sub-goals. In order to grow as a CEO, leader, expert, parent, visionary and human being, we need self-awareness – who am I and where am I going.

Why coaching?

Coaching helps you take more responsibility, which has an effect both on a professional and personal level. We perform better and in a more sustainable way and become happier. We know that a physical lifestyle does us good and the same applies to our mental health, our brain. Coaching also leads to a positive effect on those around you that spreads like rings on the water surface

How I meet you

I always coach the person, with professionalism and a big heart. I see the hero in all my clients. We all want to be seen, confirmed and met with respect. That’s how I promise to meet you. As a coach, I sometimes also need to shake things up and awaken awareness - to create insight and new perspectives for you.

Your process

I am driven by helping my client grow in their change process. We start where you are. It is enough to be yourself and have a desire to develop.

Always confidential

For me it is of utmost importance to work with respect and confidentiality. For me it is of the highest priority to create a safe space for my client during our coaching. You are welcome just as you are, according to your daily form!

Varför coaching?

Coaching hjälper dig till mer ansvarstagande, vilket ger effekt både på ett professionellt och personligt plan. Vi presterar bättre och på ett mer hållbart sätt och blir lyckligare. Vi vet att en fysisk livsstil gör oss gott och detsamma gäller vår mentala hälsa, vår hjärna. Coachingen leder också till en positiv effekt kring de i din närhet som sprider sig vidare likt ringar på vattenytan och leder på sikt till en bättre värld.

Hur jag möter dig

Jag coachar alltid människan, med professionalitet och stort hjärta. Jag ser hjälten i alla mina klienter. Vi önskar alla bli sedda, bekräftade och mötta med respekt. Det är så jag lovar att möta just dig. Som coach behöver jag ibland också ruska om och väcka till medvetenhet – för att skapa insikt och nya perspektiv för dig.

Din process

Jag drivs av att få hjälpa min klient att växa i sin förändringsprocess. Vi börjar där du befinner dig. Det räcker med att vara dig själv och ha en önskan om att utvecklas.

Alltid konfidentiellt

För mig är det av största vikt att jobba med respekt och konfidentialitet. För mig är det av högsta prioritet att skapa ett tryggt rum för min klient under vår coaching. Du är välkommen precis som du är, enligt dagsform!

Nina Wendelin

Professional certified coach ICF PCC level, Diploma in Team- and Groupcoaching, CoreStrengths SDI 2.0 Certified Facilitator, mentor and Econ. mag., entrepreneur, mother of three girls, dog owner, city- and islander.

I work as an individual-, business- and leadership coach, Team- and Groupcoach – both nationally, internationally and globally. I work with companies, organizations, associations and private customers. 

With me there has been a burning interest in working with people’s development since my studies at Hanken. I have worked in different industries and with many different leaders. Among other things with recruitment, headhunting and staffing.

I often work remotely with the whole world as my field of work but also like to meet up. I have office space in Helsinki as well as on Kimito Island in Finland. My working languages ​​are Swedish, Finnish and English.

A warmly welcome to contact me!

Lifelong learning

I continuously invest in my development which for me is a very important part in working as a professional coach in order to develop and maintain professionalism and quality in my coaching. It is also a requirement from ICF, International Coaching Federation.

My educational background

  • Diploma in Team- and Groupcoaching ICF
  • MCP Mentorcoachingprogram
  • CoreStrengths SDI 2.0 Certified Facilitator
  • Professional Certified Coach PCC/ICF 
  • Coaching Diplomeducation
  • Masters Degree in Economics, Management and Organisation

A selection of memberships and activity

  • Member of ICF Global and ICF Finland 
  • ICF Finland Executive & Leadership Learning Group

  • ICF Finland Swedish Group

  • Coaching Supervision
  • Coachingprogram for vocational college- university- and doctoral students
  • Mentoring program
  • Assisting in coach training at certification- diploma level
  • Participation as client in diploma- and certification tests

For more information about coaching check out ICF Global

As a professional ICF coach I follow the ethical guidelines found here:

Focus on potential

For me, the focus has always been on the human being and I have seen the human being as the company’s greatest value and resource. Leadership and even self-leadership is about creating conditions for development, giving responsibility in trust, having courage, being open to change and last but not least it is about vulnerability. Courage to have the leadership role but at the same time also dare to show the person behind.

In today’s world with many challenges, it is especially important to keep the focus outward and take into account issues of how I and the company contribute to a better and more sustainable world.

When I came into contact with professional coaching, all the puzzle pieces literally fell into place. The greatness of finding one’s own potential, in line with one’s own values and the effect it gives, not only for oneself but also for those in one’s immediate surroundings and further away is like sweet music.

In professional coaching there are both hard and soft values in a nice combination. Goal setting, action and results – emotional experiences, trust and presence. My driving force is to work for as many people as possible to experience this transformation in mindset.


Helping people through self-leadership to a life – professionally and privately with clarity, meaning and passion.

Participating in the implementation of thriving work cultures, with well-being employees, leaders and experts.

To assist in a constantly changing world in finding security – the ability to navigate uncertainty and focus on new thinking and solutions.

As a coach, I have received an average of 9.9/10 based on evaluation forms filled out by clients.

This is how it works

Before we start our coaching collaboration, we hold a first meeting, a so-called foundation conversation. The foundation conversation of 30 minutes includes the following;

  • What professional coaching means

  • Your expectations of the coaching

  • Coaching versus consulting, work supervision, mentoring and therapy

If the match between us feels good, we book the initial meeting online or as a physical meeting according to agreement.

The starting point is always where you are right now – your current situation. In order to develop and grow, we need self-awareness, through values ​​and strengths. They form a strong platform for the continued coaching. As a professional coach, I have a wide range of effective tools to work out these. As a coach, I ask questions, not to get answers for my own part, the purpose is that you, who are being coached, should come to deeper self-awareness and growth about yourself – towards your goal.

In coaching we always work towards a goal, with motivation, balance and self-leadership – how do I get where I want? We work with sub-goals towards overall goals. Between meetings you continue working on the steps you want to take.

Coaching can be done online which is both time- and location-efficient. Office space is available in Helsinki and on Kimito Island in Finland. My working languages are Swedish, Finnish and English.

Warm welcome, all that is needed is that you are yourself and have a desire to develop!

Continuous coaching is an important support for my development. Nina is an empathetic, safe and committed coach. She radiates warmth and at the same time a calm determination, which makes me as a client feel safe, seen and heard, on my way to my goal.
Nina is professional, reliable and good at steering the discussion forward. Exciting and surprising. Much of what I dreamed and thought during coaching has come true.
I appreciated the coach's enthusiasm and encouragement. It was a nice support when learning a new kind of self-knowledge. I gain increased understanding of my own strengths and values.
Coaching has given me time to reflect on my own goals, thoughts and feelings. Thanks to coaching, I have gained many important insights.
Nina is very sympathetic and so professional. She is a fantastic listener and can ask the right questions. I have always felt comfortable with her during years of coaching and I will continue with her as a coach. I have achieved many goals and grown as a person.
Working with Nina was really rewarding. I gained new insights and concrete goals during the meetings. Coaching led to results that I would never have achieved on my own.
It was very encouraging and helped to increase confidence in myself. I really liked working with Nina. I think she did a really good job of asking insightful and sometimes tough questions that really challenged me. I really liked Nina’s energy and motivation and also clearly bringing out the difference between coaching and therapy.